Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oct 18 - Vanessa *Party in the USA*

David Meister is my Homeboy.

I love his dresses. They always fit me so well. Sometimes I think, "Why?" But you shouldn't look a gift-horse in the mouth, just be happy.
This dress is so awesome, and these boots are so awesome. Like reverse-fit leather pants. I call them my "snake boots". They provide warmth and are so very comfortable, I'm so glad I bought them last year and now wish that I would have gotten the gunmetal colored pair that they saleslady was trying to pressure me into as well. Oh well. Maybe this year.

Hair Bow - Daughter's
Necklace 1 - Gift
Necklace 2 - Express
Dress - David Meister (thrifted)
Belt - H&M
Boots - Nine West

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