Saturday, October 6, 2012

Le Swoon Fall/Winter 2012

It's getting cold. I'm always cold. I want things to keep me warm. I also love leather and skins and fur, and the solid toughness they provide to a look. Hence my wishlist for F/W 2012...

 Bottega Veneta SUUUUPER LONG leather gloves. I want to wear them just like this too. With a short sleeve dress, preferably one that is in a thick vintage poly, that will be very very warm. Then the gloves can produce warmth for my arms. *team effort*

The center pair of shoes on this 5 legged woman are the ones i really really really love. Every time my hubs watches Swamp People and I want to vomit, i think "ohhh, but then maybe someone could make this gorgeous pair of shoes." The red with the big gold button and the Mary-Jane shape is MARVELOUS!! *i love you*

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