Saturday, June 22, 2013

We Can Create Our Happiness


Happy Saturday!!

Since I like reading self help books and creating dreams boards I am a firm believer that we are by products of our thoughts and actions. Elle.Com release an interesting article called "Think Yourself Happy". The confirms what I have learned and experienced; we can make ourselves happy with our own thoughts. Even more, our mental happiness is not only shaped  by thoughts but is effected by what we eat. According to Dr. Barret and Gilbert " The answer to this conundrum is to use our brain to override our instincts. The pleasure problem is not one you can feel your way out of—you have to think your way through it. Barrett advocates a radical zero-tolerance path: Cut out all white flour, trans fats, and sugar. Turn off the TV. "If we've fallen under the sway of a supernormal stimulus, we need to change our habits to avoid it," she writes. Once the new habit is established, we'll enjoy it as much as we thought we'd enjoy the ice cream in front of the boob tube. "The pleasure mechanism can be shaped as to what it responds to," she writes. "Health food enthusiasts... really do enjoy their fish and broccoli as much as connoisseurs of French pastry or doughnut shop regulars do their repasts. It's only the continuing consumption of the supernormal stimulus that renders the natural one unappealing." (read more)

"beauty is a lifestyle"

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