Monday, June 3, 2013

Are We Limiting Ourselves?


Happy Monday. I hope you had a safe and relaxing weekend. I headed to my beloved Anacostia Park to get some exercise and it was lovely. I was just having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine about how she limited herself when it came to her aspirations. She told me a few years ago all she asked God for was the basics in life: a job, food, shelter and health insurance. Needless to say she got everything she prayed for and has found herself in a "rut" so to speak. She advised me to not limit myself when it comes to what I ask for. Employment, food, shelter and insurance are basics or even necessities that everyone is entitled too. However, I ask why are many folk afraid to ask for what our hearts truly desire and even pursue what we desire?  What I define as success may not be in someone else's eyes? Is the sky the limit or do we limit what we can have in life?

"beauty is a lifestyle"

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