Thursday, June 6, 2013


I am super-hell-sick right now. Since monday. It's some sort of Evil Nano-Robot flu, and I've been stuck in my bed for days having hot and cold flashes, puking/freaking out/hearing voices... you know, the usual. I seriously look like this right now while I'm typing:
Not too bad, right?

So I'm catching up on my correspondence and I'm looking over all these people that want to have connections with me.
**Sorry I'm really crabby. I'll probably have to delete this later**

But it's so sad and odd to me when i see photos of these "Fashion Bloggers" and "Stylists" that see themselves as so important, that they put INTERVIEWS of themselves by THEY'RE OWN SELF. (amazing writing, i know)

When someone asks me what I do for a job, I say, "yeah, I don't work. I'm just a mom." I'm not fancying myself as some THE NEXT GRACE CODDINGTON, or something like that, it is so so so weird to me.

Just do your thing. You don't have to make yourself into some sort of wannabe celeb. Seriously. It's so odd and desperate. ANNNNND, on that note. I'm going to take the interview that I just saw, all by myself as TOTAL GIFT OF MY EXCELLENCE TO YOU my *humble readers*

(see the original biographic interview here)

1. Who is your personal style icon? (name up to three)
- Jasmin Rodriguez aka La Belle Vintage Vandal (click here for her awesome blog)

- Endora (Samantha's Mom) on Bewitched

- Joan Holloway

2. What one item in your wardrobe could you never live without, and why?
Belts. Hands down. Because in every single outfit I wear I strive for this nipped waist/ Dior New Look silhouette:
BUT... I have an athletic build like this: (#2)
So I like to carve that silhouette out visually, and no one is the wiser.

3. What's been your biggest investment piece thus far? What is one investment piece you hope to one day call your own?
-My Mackage Coat

You've all seen me in it, it's amazing. I spent a lot on it. But I've had it since 2005 and it's a classic. I wear it every year and always get compliments.

-Investment piece I want right-this-second? The Azzedine Alaia Python Shoe with Bells:

Retails for $2091.34 no big deal, ha!

4. What is your universal style tip (something every woman can benefit from)?
EASY... Be Awesome. Rock Out. and Have Fun EVERY DAY. 

5. Where can we find you on a Saturday afternoon?
Changing diapers, Walking to the Playground, Hugging ums babies. I'm really boring. 

**OOOH, I hope you enjoyed my total nose-dive into self-promotion of my own importance.**

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