Thursday, December 12, 2013

The gift of Vanessa

I have a niece named Jade, and a friend that has a daughter named Dahlia, and I am constantly seeing things with these beauties names on them. Jewelry, Perfume, Dresses, High Heels. I love it. 

So accordingly I LOVE things with my name on them. It's just so fun. How can you resist, if a product or dress is NAMED after you, you can't help but have it! AMIRIGHT!?
With my first name, however, the pickins is slim, but there are some great "Vanessa" items out there, here are a few of my favs!

I have this AWESOME nail polish by Zoya called **Vanessa** which they obviously made just for me...
It's the most beautiful cool berry red ON EARTH. and I know that I was what they were thinking of when they formulated this perfect color. 

So I decided to see what other things I could find that were named The Vanessa and see if they were equally AS BREATHTAKINGLY AMAZING AS MYSELF. :-)

For example, Delia*s makes a "Vanessa" dress. Here it is. (buy it here $60)

Which is SHOCKINGLY identical to the Russian Stripper Dress I found thrifting the other day! (see below!) Kismet??? omg! I think Delia*s was a little *off the mark* in their Vanessaness on this one. But hey, when I was 16 I probably would have killed to wear this dress for homecoming!

Unique Vintage also makes a "Vanessa" dress that is much more Vanessa-y. (buy it here)

OH MY GAWD do I love this one. And if I didn't fear online shopping for clothing because I know those seams need to hit right where they are supposed to & not on a 6 foot tall frame, I would BUY 1000000000 of these dresses, 100 for me, and 1 for every lady (and guy) that I know. it's so perf.

There was one more "Vanessa" dress that I found, by Boden. (buy it here, it's on sale!)
Not a terrible dress, but not something that I could see myself in, so sorry Boden.

I also found another nail polish named "Vanessa" made by a Lady that makes NAIL POLISH in her HOME and sells it on ETSY! (buy it here)
I didn't even know you could make your own nail polish! I thought it was impossible, like making your own gasoline for your car or something.
I definitely have to get this. it's so sparkly and fun, very much me.

Something I could for sure need in my life would be a wig, since my hair is perpetually horribly colored by my own hand.
(here's the Vanessa Wigs & extensions website)
I think I could work this look for sure. and it would be a HUGE improvement over my "Peaches & Creme with Dark Brown Roots" look I'm rocking right now, my hair is so bad. Plus the self-done hacked haircut. smh at myself. I need some Vanessa wigs in my life.

Or maybe I'll get an office job in 1991 and need some pants that are by design cut short to reveal a seckzy hint of ankle.
Have you ever said to yourself, "my legs are too long and thin, I really want them to look short & stumpy." well, here is the answer to your prayers my friends...
The Covington "Vanessa" pant. (you can peruse them here)
They are only $17.99 !! That is a STEAL! Hell, maybe I will buy a pair, and just add 7 inches of fabric to the hems.

I've been looking for a colorful winter coat, and the company *Darling* designed one just for me:
The GORGEOUS "Vanessa" coat. (you can buy it here, it's awesome)
Wow!!! How cute is this!!? I love the color, the fur collar, the little bow!
And the buttons down the back!! How adorable!!?


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