Sunday, December 15, 2013

Make your own Hippie-tastic Body Cream

My family has a MAYJ dry skin problem. Espesh in the winter. The cold dry winter air was turning Boojie's face from this:
NOT a good thing. 

I tried:

  • vaseline
  • hydrocortisone cream
  • mama spit
  • witchcraft
  • coconut oil
  • layering chapstick all over his face. 
And nothing was helping his poor chapped skin.

So I thought, screw this noise, I'm going to go PROPER HIPPIE MOM and cook up a batch of HOMEMADE creme to help his little ouchie face.

I found this recipe: (click here to see it, it's really good)

But you know me, I do not follow directions well, so basically I did this.
I bought:

  • Pure 100% shea butter from this TOTAL SKETCH DUDE at DIXIELAND
  • organic virgin pressed coconut oil
  • Castor Oil
I melted the shea butter & coconut oil; MEASURING NOTHING, pretty much 50/50, in a "ghetto double boiler" that I made out of a pyrex cup and a tiny aluminum pot.

The Shea Butter is THICK AND HARD (twss), so it takes awhile to melt it. The coconut oil melts pretty quickly and is greatly annoyed by the lazy nature of the shea butter.

Once it melts together it just looks like this:

Take it off the heat and you wait 30 minutes, I have no idea why, but you do, and then you throw in a smack of the castor oil:

After that I stirred it a bit with a fork and then set it on the porch to further cool. You want it to start to solidify, so it looks like a cup of smooth yellow candle wax.

Once it's solidified, bring it in and WHIP IT GOOD with a hand mixer until you have a fluffy white buttery consistency. Which looks like this:

I then put it in a mason jar in my bathroom.
The whole process took about 3 hours.

That very day I started slathering the kids with it, it made Junior's face heal. It helped the chapped skin on Missy's belly. It FINALLY soothed the skin on my knees that was so chapped and brittle that it was becoming painful!!!

I also started using it on my face.
So many of my usual night creams have started to sting and cause my skin to peel, which is NOT CUTE. So I tried the homemade cream....

Which took me from this:

In about 3 days flat. I am not kidding.
It's a freaking miracle balm.

Make some! Or ask me for some, I'm making it all the time, I can't get enough. It's the best thing ever!

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