Monday, September 2, 2013

My trip to Tennessee { This Weekend I..}

You know I was going to get all my pictures edited and stuff...but a part of me is saying it's just a waste of time! As long as they are all (or mostly) the same size and your able to see them, then why add my watermark on every picture. I mean especially on a post like today when I have about 40 pictures to share with you!!! 

This is my story in pictures of what I did this weekend.....

My trip to Tennessee

  We left around 10pm Thursday night, right after I got off of work.

We made it to Clarksville, TN around 9 AM  Friday morning

The kids were full of energy! TeeTee (Josiah's Aunt) and Eric's Grandma bought them a huge coloring book and washable markers for their arrival. They were super excited. (I was too after being in the car for about 11 hours)

We made a trip to the liquor store..Tennessee moon shine anyone???!!

.. but only walked out with wine =)

 Me and my cousins drank home-made Sangrias our first night there... we were tired and just wanted to chill inside - & Yes a blog post is coming soon. =)

 We went to yard sales Saturday!

We went to Gate 10 Park to let the kids run off some energy while my mom visited one of her old friends..

Later that day, I visited my old friends Trista and Richilda! We were just being silly in all these pics. Love them!






 This is my cousin Cassandra, she just turned 21!!! We went to the "Electric Cowboy"

 She got her self chocolate wasted LOL

 Sunday- We wanted to get the kids out and wear them out so we went to a play called "Kids-n-Play". It was about 15 minutes from my aunts house and $10 per kid to get in.

 They had trains to ride

 Dress up

We ate Sunday (labor day cook-out)

Our trip back was alright..I lived to tell you about it!!! 








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