Thursday, August 15, 2013

Coconut Oil Hair Mask

                                            DIY Coconut Oil Hair Mask - I've done this and it was faaaabulous!

Happy Thursday!

I love love pinterest because a slu of do it yourself crafts, home decor recipes and just about anything you can image is posted. The coconut oil hair mask was posted by Mindly Frugal Mom. Here's what your going to need:

1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp coconut milk
1 ripe banana

Get ready for shiney, soft bouncy healthy hair with this mask. P.s don't go overboard with the coconut oil. This includes people who have fine and short hair. You don't want a greasy look. I'm also going to write another post about the benefits of lavender on hair. Have a great day!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

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