Monday, February 4, 2013

Street Style - Doc - Northern Oakland County, MI

My lovely muse Stevo introduced me to this amazingly interesting man named Doc that is a Performance Artist and does **THE SHOCK & AWE SIDESHOW** check it out below.

Oh and here's there Facebook Page (click here)
I think it would be really rad to hire them for a birthday party!

So Doc contacted me the other day and was like, "I look effing fantastic today, check this out." 
In his comfiest most worn-in jeans. A shirt that endorses a "Death Camp". I am all about this.
This is a man that swallows fire for a living. I love when people are who they are, and live the life they want to live to the fullest, and Doc exemplifies that. I love the **firey** belt buckle too. He is wonderful and great, and you can see his show everywhere in the Southeastern Michigan Area, and especially at the Michigan Renaissance Fair in September!! (where I used to work as a wench back in the day!!) *muah muah* hugs!

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