Friday, February 8, 2013

Saving or/and Making money for College Books!

Hey there!

 Are any of you in college? In need of books? Well I have been contacted to share with you a great deal over at CampusBookRentals. Since August of 2007, this company has served millions of customers on more than 5,000 different
college campuses in the US.
With each textbook rented, CampusBookRentals makes a donation to Operation Smile. An organization that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. Renting your college textbooks and making a difference at the same time! With their new program RentBack, your
textbook can be 40-90% off the price of the textbook! Or if you
bought a textbook you can rent it out to make even more money. The best part is your book will be passed from person to person, so your money will continue to grow!

Some other perks of CampusBookRentals:

-Free shipping both ways

-Flexible renting periods

-Can highlight in the textbooks

-30 day risk-free returns

-Refer a friend to earn money 

-Registration is free 

and so much more!!  


thank you for your time! and your welcome! =)

I was compensated for this post 

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