Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gettin' Seck-Say....

I've always wanted to do a **Detroit Hair Show**. Known 'round the world, a Hair Show in Detroit is like none other. Unparalleled in Creativity, Style, Construction and Engineering. I mean, check this out
I think it's a Hummer, but wouldn't it be sweet if it was the "A-Team" van? hahhah. 

So I got an email the other night saying someone wants me for this Hair/Fashion Runway show THIS SUNDAY. I thought, hell to the yes i want to do this. I want a hair-heliocopter, STAT. So I called for the "go-see" and the man said to bring my 3 "sexiest" outfits. LOL.
I'm not trying to fish for compliments, but I don't think "sexy" is a look that I do. I mean, what does that mean anyways? What Would Snooki Do? But is she sexy? Hilarious, yes, that's for sure. 
So I combed the vaults looking for "sexy" dresses... and this is what I came up with. 

If you are struggling with self-esteem, DO NOT start modeling. You kind of have to look at your body as a disconnected, objective thing. Because on a DAILY BASIS people are critiquing it, crapping on it, judging it, everything. The stance that I take is: laugh at everything.
So I came out and walked with this outfit. (above)
I was told it "washes me out", it's "at least a size too big", "too long". etc etc. hahhah! Hey, I'M the fashion blogger here!

This one, i thought, has got to be working.... Very little comments were made, except for that they said it wasn't fitted enough through the waist to show a curve. DAYUM! picky picky! I also think they wanted more boobs with this. But hey, I don't have em. If you're looking for that, go elsewhere. LOL.

This one, same comments... "it's 2 sizes too big..." "too light of color".... blah blah blah.
I wonder what they would have liked to see me in. This? (below)

Anyways, it will be HILARIOUS to see what they put me in for the runway show on Sunday. I'll be sure to post pics.

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