Monday, December 24, 2012

5 for FIVE

Good Morning Ladies (& Gentlemen) ! 

Merry Christmas Eve!! 

So Today is Monday so I'm starting something new! From what I've seen, you basically give yourself 5 goals to finish in 5 days. So here we go! Linking up so you should too! =)

December 23rd-28th goals

1. Workout at Least 3 times!

I have tried this on many occasions and I can't seem to keep my motivation up! My mom bought a used treadmill the other day and I have already "walked" on it for ten minutes lol. Well let's see if the New Year will give me a 'power up'

2. Send out all 'Nail Mail' &/ Presents

Yes! I'm late! But working 6 days a week is an excuse right?!

3. Set a Budget Plan

I've had this idea in my head for a while now but reading others say it makes me more interested in DOING! hopefully that can be my motivation! 

4. Go grocery shopping with my cut out coupons !

I am always, always, always cutting coupons in my FREE TIME & never use them and go by the plan LOL this time I have to! We are on a budget

5. Clean my Room! 

basically putting my clothes and nail polish away! lol

Party of One 


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