Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Design & Ad Space Giveaway!!

It’s finally here!!!!  Happy New Year!!!

Manicures & Extra Sprinkles... Please! turned the big ONE in December

I am so excited & I’m ready to celebrate (with y'all of course!) 

I thank all of you for your
support since the beginning. I know who you are!

Do you like my new blog layout?! I have been wanting something new for a few months now and I figured what better time, then my one year anniversary and have a giveaway with it!! 

The blog layout was all done by the wonderful Jessica Lynn. 

You can find her etsy shop HERE

One lucky person will win a 

pre-made design from Jessica's etsy shop!

All entries are optional, but the more you enter,

 better your chances of winning!

if you have any question, email me at cecebadazz87 @ {}


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